============================================================================== Version 3.0.0 2015-01-17 ============================================================================== 1. NEW FEATURES CR10012483 org:opencrx:kernel:generic:Media extends org:opencrx:kernel:generic:UserDefined. CR20029290 RestServlet_2 supports JSON and Swagger: * Support for application/json in addition to text/xml * Swagger-compliant API at object-level with XRI-suffix :api and :api-ui CR10012500 REST supports CORS. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated. In particular, JavaScript's AJAX calls can use the XMLHttpRequest mechanism. Such "cross-domain" requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same-origin security policy. Default CORS config added to web.xml of REST servlet. For more information see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/filter.html#CORS_Filter. CR10012503 Parameter xri for WorkflowHandler. The xri parameter allows to execute a specific asynchronous workflow "on demand". Example: http://localhost:8080/opencrx-core-CRX/WorkflowHandler/execute?provider=CRX&segment=Standard&xri=xri://... The workflow is executed only if it is not already complete. 2. CHANGES 2.0. CHANGED FEATURES CR10012547 Refactoring SubscriptionHandlerServlet. Move subscription.matches() operation to API and therefore implementation to backend classes. This allows custom-specific implementations of UserHome.subscriptionMatches(). CR10011964 Allow to define an asynchronous workflow as (Janino) script. This way segment-specific business-logic can be added without build / deploy. Asynchronous workflows must implement the following methods: * public static void execute(WfProcessInstance) {} * public static boolean isAtomic() {} Below is an example script for an asynchronous workflow: //
      public static void execute(
        org.opencrx.kernel.home1.jmi1.WfProcessInstance wfProcessInstance
      ) throws org.openmdx.base.exception.ServiceException {
        java.util.logging.Logger logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("PrintConsole");
        logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "executing workflow " + wfProcessInstance.getProcess().getName());
        logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "target=" + wfProcessInstance.getTargetObject());
        logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "wfProcessInstance=" + wfProcessInstance);
        java.util.Map params = org.opencrx.kernel.utils.WorkflowHelper.getWorkflowParameters(wfProcessInstance);
        logger.log(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, "params=" + params);

      public static boolean isAtomic(
      ) throws org.openmdx.base.exception.ServiceException {
        return true;
CR20025970 Migration from dataprovider stack version 1 to version 2: * Refactoring of all layer plugins * Amend jdoconfig.xml * Amend dataprovider configurations Kernel.properties, Security.properties * Amend build.properties 2.1. FIXED BUGS CR10012452 Wizards: exception handling. Improved error handling for in-place wizards. The AbstractWizardController reports the exception to the log file and stores the exception message in the field errorMessasge in case the execution of a command raises an exception. The wizards display the error message instead of terminating abnormally. 2.2 REMOVED FEATURES none