
html help pages

openCRX html help pages are located in the directory C:\temp\opencrx-core-CRX.war. The following steps will guide you through the process of creating the html pages for the new locale xx_YY:

  • Decide which locale you want to use as a template (starting point) for your new locale xx_YY. In this example we will use en_US as a template. Hence, make a copy the file helpSearch_en_US.html and name it helpSearch_xx_YY.html

  • Open the file helpSearch_xx_YY.html with an html editor (a simple text editor will also work if you are familiar with html).

  • Once you are done with translating the whole page you save the file helpSearch_xx_YY.html with all the changes.

Repeat the above steps for the rest of the openCRX html help pages located in the directory C:\temp\opencrx-core-CRX.war.

If you don't feel like translating the help pages (or not all of them) you must still create the html pages for the new locale xx_YY as described above because there is no fallback mechanism for html pages - missing pages will cause an error 404 (page not found) if a user requests such a page.